At least six people were killed in a mass shooting at a church in Hamburg, Germany, on Thursday, according to multiple reports, with dozens more injured in one of the country’s deadliest mass shootings in recent years. “The reports from Alsterdorf / Gross Borstel are shocking. My deepest condolences to the families of the victims,” Hamburg Mayor Peter Tschentscher tweeted.

According to eyewitnesses, shots were fired inside a building used by Jehovah’s Witnesses in the northern German city of Hamburg on Thursday evening in which several people were killed or wounded, police said earlier. The shooting took place in the Gross Borstel district, a few kilometers north of the downtown area of Germany’s second-biggest city.

“We only know that several people died here; several people are wounded, they were taken to hospitals,” police spokesman Holger Vehren said. He said he had no information on the severity of the injuries suffered by the wounded.

The scene of the shooting was the Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall, a modern and boxy three-story building next door to an auto repair shop.

The concerned officials has launched an investigation.

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