Mark Zuckerberg responded to the recent scandal from Facebook and said he was sorry and would ensure the social media site does not affect Indian elections. Zuckerberg also stated his company had made mistakes in handling the data of 50 million users. The Chief also said he would implement harsher steps to restrict developers from accessing data.  

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This comes after a whistleblower alleged a political consultancy named Cambridge Analytica used data to rig the 2016 U.S., elections. In the first public appearance after the scandal surfaced, Zuckerberg put up a post on Facebook and said the company, “made mistakes, there’s more to do, and we need to step up and do it.”

The Facebook head did not list the number of mistakes but said an investigation would be launched. Since the data was leaked through personality test apps, Facebook will review each of the apps on their platform. The company has since stopped giving researchers access to Facebook data. Initially it was allowed by the social media site for academic reasons.

Zuckerberg also said he was willing to testify before the U.S., Congress and implement harsher Government regulations. The scandal cost Facebook a heavy some of $ 45 billion of its stock market value.