In a major rebranding move, Mr. Mark Zuckerberg, the Founder of Facebook, changed its parent company’s name to “Meta.”  The new name was announced by the founder on the late evening of the 28th of October, Thursday.

The new logo and the new name of Facebook was launched during an event at Facebook Headquarters in Menlo Park, California.  The new logo of Meta is an infinity sign in blue, replacement of the old sign which was a blue thumbs up. 

The decision to rebrand Facebook is said to be a step to start fresh with an attempt to move past the scandalous issues of message leaks and other privacy invasions.  In addition, the new name and logo also indicate the new metaverse plan of the Facebook CEO, which would be a new virtual world for billions of users. 

What is metaverse? 

Metaverse is a term for an upgraded virtual world which is a broad idea of a shared virtual realm.  The new virtual setup would not be restricted to one device and could be accessed by people using different devices.  In simple terms, the metaverse is a far away reality of virtual world development, which would bring the physical and virtual world together.   Facebook’s metaverse would allow people to be present with each other in digital spaces, just like in real space.  According to the Facebook CEO it is the next generation of the internet world, connecting people not only virtually but in real spaces too, but through the internet. 

Mr. Mark Zuckerberg, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Facebook said, “We’ve learned a lot from struggling with social issues and living under closed platforms, and now it is time to take everything that we’ve learned and help build the next chapter.”   He addressed the annual conference of the company and said, “I am proud to announce that starting today, our company is now Meta.  Our mission remains the same, still about bringing people together, our apps and their brands, they’re not changing.” 

The new name and rebranding came at a time when Facebook is struggling with serious criticism from lawmakers and activists over its regulations, algorithm and other features, which allows abuses on the platform from users. 

However, despite the rebranding and the new name, Meta, apps like Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp would remain active with the same names.  The company is expected to launch a new application with the new name. 

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