Donald Trump has survived 100 days as President. To commemorate his 100 days he invited the media to the white house for an interview. A 40 minute conversation with Reuters, which included the building tension between America and North Korea. Trump spoke about the increasing concern with North Korea’s nuclear programs. The president also mentioned that he would prefer solving these problems peacefully but the military option is still on the table.
“There is a chance that we could end up having a major, major conflict with North Korea,” said Trump to Reuters. He also mentioned that this was one of his biggest challenges, “We’d love to solve things diplomatically but it’s very difficult.”
The only major ally of North Korea is China but China has been increasingly concerned about North Korea’s pursuit of ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons which is also in violation of the U.N. resolutions.
The United States have asked China to make efforts to stop North Korea’s intentions of a nuclear war. Trump appreciated China President Xi Jinping calling him a good man and,”I believe he is trying very hard. I know he would like to be able to do something. Perhaps it’s possible that he can’t. But I think he’d like to be able to do something.”
Rex Tillerson, U.S. Secretary of State mentioned on Thursday that China has asked North Korea to stop conducting nuclear tests and if North Korea refuses to comply China will impose unilateral sanctions. “We were told by the Chinese that they informed the regime that if they did conduct further nuclear tests, China would be taking sanctions actions on their own,” Tillerson told FOX News.
China also banned imports of North Korean coal during the month of February this year which is it’s most important export. North Korea doesn’t seem to be affected by any of these threats, they recently released a propaganda video of blowing up the White House.