A few hours and the year will come to an end. All the mishaps that had taken place in the World throughout the year have been quite disturbing. But there was news which was highlighted and you missed out on the good things that happened this year. So let me tell you some of the positive changes that took place this year across the world.


Reports From World Health Organisation.

The World Health Organization released a report stating that the rate of malaria has been decreased by 60 percent since the year 2000. Isn’t it miraculous? The results have improved in Africa which has reduced the rate of Malaria and also increased the life expectancy by 9.4 years since 2000. According to World Health Organisation, mother to child transmission of HIV and Syphilis was permanently eliminated by Thailand. An initiative that will now save lives of many in the coming generation.

Human Trafficking

Demonetization in India reduced human trafficking to an extent that it has now stopped completely. This has saved lives of millions of women who are trafficked and sold. Also, Ontario took a $100 million initiative to reduce violence against women.

Right To Marry Same-Gender.

Many countries oppose the idea of marrying the person of same gender. Taiwan will soon legalize the option of marrying the person of same gender giving liberty to its people to chose their own life partner.

Child Marriage

Tanzania and The Gambia banned child marriage by taking a critical step to eliminate the culture which was being followed since ages. The rate of child marriage in Tanzania and Gambia is 34 per cent which is one of the highest rates in the world. Ban on child marriage will reduce early pregnancy and childbearing and also prevent serious health complications that girls face when they are forced to get married at an early stage.

Transgender Are Human Too

People who are Transgender are considered mentally ill in many countries. Denmark and Canada put a ban on transgender discrimination by giving them equal rights to live like other citizens of the country.

One Step Towards Conserving Energy And Reduce Pollution.

In June India announced that it will not require extra power plant in the next three years. Which means that India has enough power to sustain the country, in turn, restoring our natural resources. In April,  25 percent of Europe’s countries had quit coal and shut down their coal-fired power stations. In November, Germany’s coalition government agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 to 95 percent by 2050. During the same month, India unveiled its biggest solar power plant and is scheduled to be the World’s largest market of solar power from next year. India aims to provide power to 60 million homes by 2022 and is aiming to produce 40 percent of its power from nonfossil 30.

More good things are going to happen so cheer up and be patient because good things take time.