Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was granted asylum by the embassy of Ecuador, after a rape case was filed against him in Sweden. The biggest whistle blower of the 20th century has been kept in the embassy since 2012. Assange almost lost his protection during the Ecuadorian election where the right wing was willing to hand Assange to the American government while the left wing assured to allow him a safe place to stay. To Julian Assange’s good luck, the leftist Lenin Moreno won, the elections letting him remain in the embassy a little longer.

Julian Assange has been the reason for the biggest leaks in the world including Hillary Clinton’s emails that mostly caused her to lose the U.S., presidential race. After his interference in the elections, Assange’s internet was disconnected and not a word from him was heard until the recent elections.

Julian Assange took his new found victory to his advantage and released the biggest leak of the CIA titled the ‘Vault 7 series.’ This showed how the CIA hacks iPhones and Macs. The leak also revealed how the CIA can use Samsung smart TVs as recording devices and use their high end technology to plant information on these devices.

Although Trump was pro Assange during the presidential elections, stating he loves Wikileaks, his administration has decided to go against the Australian whistle blower. The newly appointed CIA director Mike Pompeo released a statement that said, “It’s time to call out Wikileaks for what it really is: a non state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia.”

Julian Assange responded to this statement with an article in The Washington Post with the opening line that reads, “Mike Pompeo, in his first speech as director of the CIA, chose to declare war on free speech rather than on the United States’ actual adversaries.”

Julian’s article shows he’s not scared of the threats the US government make against him ending his article with, “the truth always wins.”