Even before taking the presidency, the now President Donald Trump has made his dislike for the media very clear. Now four days into the office the President along with Washington D.C., Police has charged six journalists with a felony who covered the protests that were going on during the swearing in ceremony. If these journalists get convicted they would have to face a jail term of ten years and pay fine of $ 25,000.

President Trump in the oval office.

President Trump in the oval office.

On January 20, six journalists were covering the violent anti Trump protests in the capital city. Washington D.C., has strict laws against rioting, hence the charges these journalists face will be as strict. They were presented to the court on Saturday and were released till further hearing in February and March. The charges against the six have not been specified and the six journalists have denied any kind of wrongdoings which would put them under arrest.

A documentary producer, a photojournalist, a live-streamer, a freelance reporter and two journalists, one of the Vocativ and one of Russia Today have been accused by President Trump.

Carlos Lauria of the Committee to Protect Journalists, an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to the global defense of press freedom said, “These charges are clearly inappropriate, and we are concerned that they could send a chilling message to journalists covering future protests. We call on authorities in Washington to drop these charges immediately.”

While the journalists are still confused as to what their mistake is, the protests have been increasing every day in the US capital.