Joe Biden, the President of the United States of America (U.S.A.,) would reinstate the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) travel restrictions.

The travel restrictions on the non U.S.A., travelers are imposed on 26 countries including Brazil, Ireland, the United Kingdom.

According to the White House , travel across open borders would be allowed soon.

However, in the list of restricted countries, South Africa is a new addition. This highlights the concern of the United States Government over the new mutant of COVID-19 found in South Africa.

Dr. Anne Schuchat, the Principal Deputy Director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC,) said, “We are adding South Africa to the restricted list because of the concerning variant present that has already spread beyond South Africa.”

The South Africa variant has not been discovered in the United States.

The Joe Biden led U.S.A., Government in the last week issued an executive order directing federal agencies to require international air travelers to quarantine upon arrival in the U.S.A.

The order also requires all US bound passengers ages 2 and above get negative COVID-19 test results within three days before traveling.

As per the orders of the previous U.S.A., President Donald Trump, relaxation on the travel ban was supposed to be in effect from the 26th of January.

In regard to this, Joe Biden reversed his orders and imposed travel restrictions. The Biden administration in total signed 10 executive orders and reversed orders of the Trump administration.

The orders include rapid COVID-19 testing, strict travel rules, increased vaccination and manufacturing a huge number of protective gear.

In addition, all international travelers are asked to quarantine upon arrival.

Meanwhile, according to Johns Hopkins University, till date, nearly 25 million COVID-19 cases and 418,000 deaths in the U.S.A., were registered.

With this, the United States of America is the worst COVID-19 hit Nation across the globe.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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