On Thursday afternoon, U.S., President Obama honored Vice President Joe Biden with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. In a surprise ceremony initially arranged as a farewell, President Obama called the Delaware Senator and the Vice President ‘The best vice president America has ever had’ and also ‘lion of American History before bestowing the honor.

US President Obama honoring the Vice President Joseph Biden with Presidential Medal of Freedom with distinction.

US President Obama honoring the Vice President Joseph Biden with Presidential Medal of Freedom with distinction.

The president started the speech by praising his White House partner’s work. He then ended the speech by giving the Vice President USA’s highest civilian honor of Medal of Freedom with distinction. President Ronald Reagan, Pope John Paul II, and Gen. Colin Powell are the only ones in American history that hold this designation.

Obama in his speech said,”To know Joe Biden is to know love without pretense, service without self-regard, and to live life fully.” All through the speech the President and vice President had tears in their eyes. Praising Obama, Biden said that the outgoing president was a remarkable man who did remarkable things for the United States. He also said that Obama treated Biden as an equal partner in governance, which was an honor.

Biden in a direct address to Obama said, “This honor is not only well beyond what I deserve, but it’s a reflection of the generosity of your spirit.” The Vice President also added, “I don’t deserve this. But I know it came from the president’s heart.”

The President and Vice President shared a very unusual yet close relation personally and professionally in the last eight years. At the ceremony, Obama himself joked that “this also gives the Internet one last chance to talk about our ‘bromance.’ ”

All through the ceremony, it was evident that not only President and Vice President but also all the families and staff of Obama’s administration had become close. Obama also said that he, along with his family are honored to call themselves the ‘Honorary Bidens’.

Watch the ceremony here: