“We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.”

-Dalai Lama, Buddhist monk

World peace is a concept that United Nations has been striving to bring into effect for decades. It all started in 1981 when the assembly thought they need a day to champion the need for peace, within and among the nations of the world. So what then started out as unofficial observing of World Peace Day themed around “Right to peace to people”, has now seen 35 years of this International Day of Peace with this year the theme being “Sustainable Development Goals: Building Blocks of Peace”.

building blocks of peace

The surmise is very simple. In today’s era, we need to give a serious thought towards clean energy if we need to have a shot at making this world a better, healthier and convivial place to live in. The development goals have 17 focus areas that have a broader goal of fighting injustice, crime, climate change and many such evils by 2030. “Let us all work together to help all human beings achieve dignity and equality; to build a greener planet; and to make sure no one is left behind,” said Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary-General.

Ban-Ki-Moon also made a visit to the Peace Garden at the United Nations Headquarters on 16th September to begin the Peace Day celebrations by ringing the peace bell as part of the ceremony. It was followed by observing a minute’s silence for all the victims who lost their lives in the name of war.

ban-ki-moon rings peace bell

This does take you to the recent Kashmir Attacks in which unfortunately 18 soldiers laid down their lives protecting the nation. It makes you think that this International Peace Day then comes at an ironic time when we want our nation’s heroes to be avenged. But an eye for an eye can make the world go blind and with already so much hate boiling up on Earth that it is leading to global warming, climate change, hate crimes and so many other dangers. One cannot waver but condone that peace is what will put an end to all this suffering. So on this International Peace day, lets spread some love to our family, friends and enemies.

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