The Islamic State in their initial comments about the US President Donald Trump, called him a ‘Stupid Idiot’ and said that his rise to power shows the bankruptcy situation that America is in. The ISIS terror group, for the first time after Trump took charge, released an audio clip that lasted 36 minutes.

Abu Hasan al-Muhajir, the spokesperson of ISIS on Tuesday said that the US President knows nothing about Islam and called him an Idiot in Arabic. Calling the US a bankrupt country, he said, “the sign of your elimination are now clearer to everyone, as the clearest of signs is that you are now ruled by a stupid idiot who does not know what Sham and Iraq are, or what Islam is, who continues to express his hatred and war against Islam.” The report by NBC said that Trump has expressed his ‘hatred and war’ against Islam.

It also said that the word ‘stupid idiot’ in the statement can be replaced with ‘riff raff’ or ‘harebrained.’ ISIS mainly has their terror camps spread across Iraq and Syria which is currently under attack by the US military coalition.

In his election campaign, Trump has pledged that he will ‘totally obliterate the ISIS’ which spread in 2014. He also made controversial statements about Islam that did not go well with Islamic Nations. Though ISIS did not mention the Muslim ban in their speech about Trump, this audio clip coming after so many days of taking charge indicates the ire felt against the present president of US.