Indonesian raised the alert level for Agung Volcano, in Bali,  from a three to a four. On Monday, the holiday island closed airports and released evacuation procedures due to the imminent risk of a larger eruption.

The airport in Bali was shut for 24 hours creating confusion among 59,000 passengers in 445 flights. Volcanic ash from Agung filled the Bali airport making it difficult for flights to takeoff or land.

T.V., footage shows cold lava flows (lahar) on the mountainside. Lahar, a type of mud flow, carries mud and large boulders that can destroy roads, bridges and houses in its path.

The Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) released a statement that read, “Plumes of smoke are occasionally accompanied by explosive eruptions and the sound of weak blasts that can be heard up to 12 Km from the peak.”

It further stressed a larger eruption seems imminent. Overnight, the magma at Agung was visibly glowing over the Agung’s summit.

The people in and around 8 to 10 Km radius of Agung have been evacuated to safer areas. The Government is working on using alternate airports for inbound flights. But most airports on the island remain closed due to the heavy smoke hovering over the area.

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