Another Indian has been shot dead outside his home in Lancaster, South Carolina. India is still reeling from shock of the death of Srinivas Kuchibotla in Kansas city. Now 43 year old Harnish Patel, was shot dead in front of his home. The Indian-origin man has shut his shop at 11:24 PM and in the next ten minutes was shot dead. The Lancaster County police reported a call on 911 at 11:33 P.M., reporting gunshots and screams.

The friends and family of Harnish are still reeling from the shock of the death. This incident happened two days after the President Donald Trump’s speech wherein he spoke against the killing of Srinivas Kuchibotla and called it ‘Hateful and evil’ act. Harnish, according to his friends, moved to the USA so as to give a better life to his family and was successful in doing that.

The residence of Harnish Patel in Lancaster, South Carolina.

Trump, on February 28, in his address to Congress, speaking about the Kansas killing has said “Last week’s shooting in Kansas City, remind us that while we may be a Nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all its forms.”

While the reason for the killing has not yet been defined, the local officials do not believe it to be a hate crime. The county Sheriff Barry Faile speaking on Friday said, “I don’t have any reason to believe that this was racially motivated.”

Harnish lived in Lancaster with his wife and child. The county has been showing a rage on the killing of Patel, as he was not only a kind person but was an important part of the society and previously helped in law enforcement.

The Police are investigating the case and have found two shell casings from the site of the killing. The police dogs could not pick up any scent leaving no leads to the police.