All the space enthusiasts can jump with joy as Google has made a virtual tour of Mars possible. Access Mars by Google, allows you to take a walk on Mars for free.

Google collaborated with National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to make Access Mars a reality. The virtual tour will allow the users to take a trip through the dunes and valleys, previously explored by NASA’s Curiosity rover.

Ryan Burke, the Interactive Producer at Google’s Creative Lab wrote in a blog post, “The experience is built using WebVR, a technology that lets you see virtual reality right in your browser, without installing any apps. You can try it on a virtual reality headset, phone, or laptop.”

Lead Project Manager at Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s (JPL) Ops Lab, Victor Luo explained, “We’ve been able to leverage VR and AR technologies to take our scientists to Mars every single day.”

He further added, “With Access Mars, everyone in the world can ride along.”

Ryan Burke explained, “All along the way, JPL scientist Katie Stack Morgan will be your guide, explaining key points about the rover, the mission and some of the early findings.”

Finally, you can sit in the comfort of your home and take a stroll through the Red planet and maybe meet some fresh faced Martian women.