The former United States of America (U.S.A.,) President Mr. Donald Trump, blamed the new U.S.A., President Mr. Joe Biden, for the Afghanistan-Taliban matter.

In a statement made on the 15th of August, Mr. Donald Trump asked for the resignation of Mr. Joe Biden. He said, ” it was time for the incumbent US president, Joe Biden, to resign, for what he has allowed to happen in Afghanistan, along with the tremendous surge in COVID-19, the Border catastrophe, the destruction of energy Independence, and our crippled economy.”

The former President continued and said,the Joe Biden Government in the U.S.A., is not legitimate and the situation is due to their mishandling of the situation.

Mr. Trump’s statement came hours after the Taliban entered Kabul forcefully. However, they would take over Kabul after an agreement with the currently collapsed Afghanistan Government. In addition, the situation in Kabul is worsening with violence and attacks of people, after the Afghanistan President Mr. Ashraf Ghani fled the Presidential Palace.

Meanwhile, Taliban terrorists have assumed control of the Afghan Capital of Kabul and have taken control of the Presidential Palace.

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