Mr. Donald Trump, the former President of the United States of America,  was arrested in a historic New York court in connection with the Hush Money transfer to a porn star.

According to sources, Mr. Donald Trump appeared before the historic New York Court, which was conducted on the 4th of April, amid tight security.  It is to be noted, the 76 year old is expected to plead not guilty to a host of charges related to hush money paid to a porn star ahead of the 2016 election that brought him to power.  The charges revolve around the investigation of $130,000 paid to adult film actress Stormy Daniels just days before Trump’s election win.  It is suspected that Mr. Donald Trump paid the actress and bought her silence regarding an affair between them in 2006.

Ahead of the arrest, Donald Trump took to social media and said, “Seems so SURREAL — WOW, they are going to ARREST ME.”   He added, “Can’t believe this is happening in America.  MAGA!”

Meanwhile, hundreds of people gathered outside the venue, including dozens of Trump supporters and anti Trump demonstrators to witness the historic moment, as Mr. Donald Trump is the first United States President who has been charged with criminal charges.

The matter is under investigation and came at a time when Mr. Donald Trump is likely to be a Republican nominee for the 2024 US presidential elections.

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