In a shocking incident, a father in Syria bit his nine month old daughter to death. The incident took place on April 25 at the Jaramana area in Damascus.

According to reports, the father had not wanted a girl child. When Dalal was born he considered it a shame to the family and disliked her instantly. When the mother sensed danger to Dalal from her father, she went to the neighbors’ house to get help. But before she came back, the father bit the baby girl brutally. The mother came back home to find the bruised body of her dead baby.

Dalal was immediately shifted to hospital but had due to the bites of the father. The authorities are currently investigating the case for further details. The incident has attracted a lot of criticism over social media. It has been doing the rounds in the Syrian community with the saying, “Those who do not die by bullets die of madness!”

The Internal Security Forces were immediately called to the center of Jaramana. The head of the prosecution authority took over the interrogation, took the accuced and his wife to custody.