A 54 year old assaulted his 16 year old daughter after she revealed about her orientation to him. The daughter came out to her father as being a lesbian who reacted with ‘uncontrolled anger’ according to the judge and assaulted her. The act, the judge said, was done by father so as to prove that “coitus was better with men.”

After hearing the case, the Warwick Crown Court Birmingham, UK, the man was sent to jailed for the next 21 years. It was also found through an investigation, the father had abused his two other daughters for over two decades. He was accused of nine indecent assaults and initially plead not guilty to all of them. But further investigation and examination found him guilty and convicted of all the crimes.

According to the news daily The Sun, Judge Andrew Lockhart QC, said, “As a 16 year old girl she realised she was gay and, struggling with her identity as many people do at that age decided to tell you. You reacted by showing real and uncontrolled anger, and you decided to assault her to show her why it would be better to have coitus with men than women. Her evidence made harrowing listening.” He also added, “That assault involved degradation and humiliation. The offence demonstrated your hostility towards her as a lesbian.”

Apart from 21 years of jail, he will also be serving additional five years for his crimes against the younger sister. He will have to be in jail for two thirds of sentence before being considered for parole unlike other cases wherein half sentence must be served for parole.