Beijing: The toll has crossed 330 from the Chinese cruise ship, the Eastern star, disaster and over hundreds are still missing on Saturday. The four-level ship was capsized during a storm in the river Yangtze. As many as 14 persons were survived including the captain and chief engineer. The incident occurred when the ship carrying 456 overturned during the storm on Monday night.

Chinese ship

Rescue Operation underway to find the missing passengers from river Yangtze

The ship was righted on Friday and the searchers are looking for more bodies in the cabins of the ship. During an interview with state media, the general manager of the company which operated the ship, Jiang Zhao expressed his grief and apology for the accident and added that the company would cooperate with the investigation.

The investigation has revealed that the ship was not overloaded and had enough life vests on board. The family members of the victims have come to Jianli in the central province of Hubei, where the ship went down.

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