On Thursday, according to the US Geological survey report, northwest China experienced an earthquake of 5.5 magnitude on the Ritcher scale. The report also said that these jolts caused the death of eight people.

After the first quake, aftershocks were felt at irregular intervals for quite sometime in the area. At 5:58 A.M., the earthquake hit Xinjiang, in which at least 11 others suffered major injuries. The rescuers and police have initiated a search and rescue operation.

The earthquake had, according to reports, an epicentre at a depth of 8 km, in the southeast area of the Pamir Plateau. This remote area is also close to the borders of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajkistan. This is the third earthquake after the start of 2017. On February 8 and March 27, minor earthquakes were experienced in the same region in China. On March 27, Yangbi County of China’s Yunnan province experience 5.1 magnitude earthquake. On February 8, 4.9 magnitude earthquake hit the Ludian county in China’s southwestern Yunnan province.