Donald Trump, the former President of the United States of America (U.S.A.,) urges the current President of U.S.A., Joe Biden to impose a travel ban on Muslim countries.

The request was in the wake of the safety of the nation from radical Islamic terrorism. Donald Trump said, “If Joe Biden wants to keep our country safe from radical Islamic terrorism, he should reinstitute the foreign country travel ban.” He released a statement on the 19th of April regarding the same and said the Joe Biden administration should put a restriction on refugees.

Donald Trump said, “Terrorists operate all over the world and recruit online. To keep terrorism and extremism out of our country, we need to have smart, commonsense rules in place so we don’t repeat the many immigration mistakes made by Europe and the USA prior to Trump.”

Donald Trump in 2017 imposed a ban on travel from several Muslim countries including Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. Many Muslims who were barred from travelling under the Trump administration were hopeful to meet their families and travel to the United States.

Later, in 2021, after taking the oath as the 46th President of U.S.A., Joe Biden lifted the ban and allowed Muslims to travel to the U.S.A.

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