The United States (U.S.,) President Donald Trump, on the 22nd of April, signed executive orders curbing immigrants temporarily in the United States.

The decision to block a few foreigners from getting the green card, permanent residence in the U.S., is said to be a precautionary measure against the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19.

 oAccording to sources, the signed order is for 60 days, but would be extended depending on the situation of the pandemic illness into the Nation.

Donald Trump addressed the media through a video conference from the White House and said, “In order to protect our great American workers I have just signed an executive order temporarily suspending immigration into the United States.  This will ensure that unemployed Americans of all backgrounds will be first in line for jobs as our economy reopens.”   He further added, “Preserve our healthcare resources for American patients.” 

A U.S., White House officials, who wished to be anonymous, said the newly signed orders would only be applicable on people applying for permanent residence from outside the United States, not the ones who are currently residing in the U.S., seeking a green card.

On the 21st of April, Donald Trump announced that he would sign the executive papers. 

With this update, Donald Trump imposed broad travel restrictions on countries like China, Europe, Canada and Mexico, temporarily suspending routine visa services at embassies and consulates and now signed orders to curb the immigrants temporarily getting permanent residency in the U.S.  

The temporary ban on immigrants would not affect already residing immigrants in the U.S.  All the seasonal workers, healthcare workers are said not to be affected with this new announcement.

The United States of America is the worst affected nation of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19.

The deadly virus has killed more than 47,750 people in the United States and infected 8,52,703 till date.

Stay tuned for further updates about COVID-19.

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