The US President Donald Trump released a revised travel ban with an executive order on Monday. In the new executive order, Trump left out Iraq and included the other six countries, from his previous travel ban. This was revised and released as the previous controversial attempt was blocked by the courts.

The new order states that Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen and Sudan, the Muslim majority countries are still banned for travel to the USA for 90 days. Iraq has been left out of the banned list, meaning they can travel without any fear to the USA from the day the order passes. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House spokeswoman on Monday said that this order would be in place and implemented from March 16. This order delays implementation so as to reduce the disruption that caused panic for some travelers after the first executive order was issued.

Rex Tillerson, the Secretary of State, speaking to media on Monday said, “As threats to our security continue to evolve and change, common sense dictates that we continually re-evaluate and reassess the systems we rely upon to protect our country.” The original executive order was changed and Iraq was removed from the ban as the country implemented new vetting procedures like increased visa scanning and also data sharing. Also, the country has, according to White House official, allegedly helped the United States in fighting Islamic State militants.

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Protests against the Muslim Countries Ban imposed by Trump at the Los Angeles International Airport.

Homeland Security officials said to the media that “There’s going to be a very orderly process.” They also added that “You should not see any chaos so to speak or alleged chaos at airports. There aren’t going to be folks stopped tonight from coming into the country because of this executive order.” Iraq has in the past worked alongside US troops for years and also worked as translators. This started after the US led invasion in 2003 and also led many Iraqis to settle in the US , because of working with US troops.

Speaking about this travel ban, a senior White House official said that this new executive order makes sure that the permanent residents and green card holders in the US from the listed countries will not be affected by this travel ban.