Hilary Clinton’s miss at the Presidential election was probably the biggest upset of the year. Not only were people hopeful to see a candidate who could bring about impactful change to the country but also see the first ever female President of United States of America. Although the hope seems to be extinguished, a small flare has lit up again in the form of Nikki Haley, the Governor of South Carolina.

Nikki Haley, full name Nimrata “Nikki” Randhwa Haley, 44, is the 16th Governor serving since 2011 in the state. She is married to Michael Haley and  has two children named Rena and Nalin. But what she is apart from being a great mother and a supportive wife is that she is also a smart and ferocious politician, the rising star of the Republican Party if you will. Ironically, even though she is from the same Party as that of President Elect Trump, she has never seen eye to eye with the unpredictable Candidate. Even during his campaigns, Haley often showed her distrust towards his ideals and initiatives. It is therefore surprising the President-Elect Trump would consider her for the post of Secretary of State, yet it feels right.

A look back on her political career is all the proof one needs. From breaking into the political picture as the first female governor of South Carolina, a state strife with racist issues, to charging to take down the Confederate Flag from the Capitol following a racially-charged massacre that left nine people dead at a Charleston church, Nikki is on a fast track to becoming one of the most memorable female political figures. She has cried with the crowd, fought for the society and had handled the crisis in the Palmetto State brilliantly.

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Maybe that is what nudged Donald Trump to put her on the list of people he will be considering for Secretary of State. Mr. Trump seems to be on a dousing spree of all the fires he had lit with his fellow officials during his Presidential campaign and the one with Nikki Haley also seems to be among them. She met Trump in his office yesterday and although no official confirmation has been made yet, there is a chance that she might be in the running for the position along with Rudy Giuliani and John Bolton among others. Her spokesperson Rob Godfrey said “They had a good discussion, and she is very encouraged about the coming administration and the new direction it will bring to Washington.” On the other hand, Trump’s former campaign manager Kellyanne Conway was neutral and non-committal on the issue and stated that “We’re just happy to have her here for her advice and counsel and to hear about the great success story of South Carolina.” But if she does ascend to that level in the staffing hierarchy, Nikki Haley will set a benchmark while paving her way stronger to the top of the pyramid. It would also be a strategic move for the Trump government who are now trying to win brownie points from the crowd and hiring an ambitious, deserving Asian-American might just do the trick.

Not for nothing though we have two sides to a coin. There are many people who have raised their eyebrows at the choice for her as the Secretary of State. Lack of experience combined with some of her slips like avoiding the Medicaid expansion in South Carolina which could have resulted in over 200 thousand people receiving health insurance form the basis for their judgement. But whether or not she makes the cut is secondary. She is already positioned perfectly to become the chairman of the Republican group after being elected as the vice chair of the organisation. So it is just a question of whether her destination will be via the Secretary of State office or a direct route to the oval office.

nikki haley

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