Dhaka: The Dhaka attack survivor, who police say was a suspect, died in the custody on Friday. The 18-year-old Zakir Hossain Shawon’s family alleged that he died due to the torture by the security forces. He died in the intensive care unit of Dhaka Medical College Hospital. The teenager was a kitchen assistant at the Holey Artisan Bakery, where the terrorists took the hostage and killed 22 people.


After killing the terrorists, the police also arrested Shawon and another man over the ‘suspicious activities’ but his family rejected the allegations and said that he was also taken hostage like other victims. Shawaon’s father, Abdus Sattar demanded an investigation saying that his innocent son died due to torture by the security forces.

According to AFP, Sattar said, “His whole body had marks of torture. There were marks of curdled blood in many places. One of his eyes and two knees were blackened. His wrists were blackened. It seems he was hanged by ropes tied to his wrists.” He added, “He could not recognise me or his mother and thought we were his brother and would cry out in his sleep, pleading with someone, “Please don’t hit me. Let me go.”

The head of the leading human rights group Ain o Salish Kendra, Nur Khan Liton said, “IS has named five attackers and police have identified all five. And he was not among the five. If he was treated as an associate or helper of the attacker, police must present evidence or information.”

Dhaka police spokesman Masudur Rahman said, “He was held because of suspicious activities. We did not have any opportunity to interrogate him since he was injured and hospitalised.”

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