The Chinese Government, on the 8th of April, lifted the lockdown imposed on Wuhan City two months back.

The lockdown was imposed on the 7th of February, in the wake of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19.  

However, cities like Heilongjiang, Mainland China still did not open restriction completely and issued guidelines for the citizens.

Suifenhe City in Heilongjiang restricted the movement of its citizens on Wednesdays and asked the residents to stay indoors.  Also only one person of a family can leave the house once in every three days to buy necessities and must return on the same day.

After the lockdown lifted, nearly 55,000 people are set to leave Wuhan by train and more than 10,000 travellers have left the City by flights.

Meanwhile, the COVID-19 infected 1,450,121 people and claimed 83,474 deaths till date.

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