Mr. Chris Hipkins, who played a significant role during the Wuhan Virus (COVID-19) pandemic in New Zealand is all set to replace Ms. Jacinda Ardern as the Prime Minister.

On the 21st of January, Mr. Chris Hipkins addressed the media and confirmed that he is the only nomination as the replacement of Ms. Jacinda Ardern, a leader of the Labour Party. Prior to being nominated as the PM of New Zealand, Mr. Chris Hipkins was the Health Minister of the nation.  In 2020, after his efforts of tackling the COVID-19 pandemic, he was also made the minister to handle the Wuhan Virus, also known as the Novel Coronavirus pandemic.

Mr. Chris Hipkins, 44, is expected to be confirmed as the new leader at a meeting of Labour’s 64 lawmakers, or Caucus, on Sunday, the 22nd of January.  Mr. Chris Hipkins said, “I think we’re an incredibly strong team.”    In addition, the Labour Party said, “We’ve gone through this process with unity and we’ll continue to do that.  I’m feeling really fortunate to be working with such an amazing group of people who have a real commitment to the service of the people of New Zealand.”

The development came after Ms. Jacinda Ardern announced to step down as the PM of New Zealand, saying she had no fuel to lead the country.  She was first elected to parliament for the Labour Party in 2008.

Meanwhile, an official announcement regarding the unanimous selection of Mr. Chris Hipkins would be made during a parliamentary meeting, scheduled for the 22nd of January, Sunday.

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