The Chinese Government recently imposed strict “Zero COVID-19 Policy” rules.

In order to achieve the imposed rule, the Government of China organised quarantine camps for people, forcing people to stay in metal boxes.  As per social media videos, suspected Wuhan virus cases are forced to be quarantined in metal boxes.  In regard to this, the Government arranged bus services, which are taking people positive of COVID-19 or suspects to stay in these metal boxes, arranged in rows in three cities of China; Xi’an, Anyang and Yuzhou. 

Furthermore, whether it’s elderly people, children or pregnant women, no one has been exempted from staying in these crammed boxes.  These boxes are furnished with a wooden bed, toilet and are extremely suffocating and small in size.  The decision to organise such boxes was taken to curb the spread of Wuhan virus, as well as its new variant Omicron in the nation. 

These lockdowns are one of the strictest ones since the one imposed in Wuhan at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

Notably, China is to hold the Winter Olympics next month (February) in Beijing and to assure no COVID-19 cases, the Chinese authorities are taking such harsh measures. 

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