According to Wikipedia, “A burqini (or burkini; the portmanteau of burqa and bikini) swimsuit is a type of swimsuit for women, designed in Australia by Aheda Zanetti. The suit covers the whole body except the face, the hands, and the feet while being light enough for swimming. The design is intended to accord with Islamic traditions of modest dress.”


Burkini designer Aheda Zanetti (middle) with models

Earlier this month, the Burkini became the center of international debate when it was banned in around 20 towns in France. Many powerful politicians and parties in France supported this ban. The proponents of the ban have come up with varied justifications, from claiming that the burkini goes against France’s secularism to sacrosanct statements about France not being a country that locks away its women’s bodies. Women wearing the Burkini have been fined up to 40 euros and on occasion even arrested.


The photograph of a woman forced to remove her clothing was met with outrage

In what is perceived as a sign of relief however, France’s highest administrative court overturned the ban in one particular town earlier this week, signaling towards similar legal results in other towns. France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve on Sunday reinforced French Prime Minister Francois Hollande’s statement that it would be “unconstitutional” for France to pass a law banning the burkini, and such a move could cause irreparable harm. He also lashed out at the opposition for being insensitive in politicizing the issue, in lieu of recent terror attacks in France that claimed multiple lives.

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