The regional governor in Southeastern Niger in Africa reported the Jihadist group Boko Haram, kidnapped 37 women. The Jihadist group also slit the throats of nine people at the village.

On Sunday, the group attacked the village of Ngalewa near the border of Nigeria.

Lauoali Mahamane Dan Dano, Governor of Diffa region said, “Boko Haram elements… slit the throats of nine people… they took women, 37 women, and departed with them.”

He further added, “The defense and security forces are already in pursuit, and we hope that in the coming days these women will be found and freed.”

Ngalewa was singled out by Boko Haram as the village is known to resist the Jihadist, explained the governor who visited the village on Monday.

The Boko Haram militants traveled by foot to attack the village. It was reported by the village’s Mayor Abari El Hadj Daouda that the attack was carried out on Sunday between 10 and 11 P.M.

He also reported, “About 30 or 40 women and children were kidnapped… (and) nine people killed.”

Diffa has been under the attack of Boko Haram since 2015 and nearly 300,000 people were displaced and took refuge in Ngalewa.

The attack was carried out at the same time as French President Emmanuel Macron’s visit to neighboring country Mali to discuss fighting terrorism in the Sahara desert.