India is not alone in facing the overpopulation of pigeons, European countries also face this calamity– especially because of the pigeons pooping habits. In spite of their increasing numbers, people still continue to feed pigeons. But authorities in Barcelona are quite concerned because of the many problems that are being caused by these birds. So they adopted measures to control the population of the pigeons by feeding them contraceptives. This method has only been used on women but now even pigeons! Shocked? Well, this method may actually work and its first results will be analyzed at the end of the year.


According to a Daily Mail report, authorities are hoping that the number of birds will be reduced by 80 percent in the coming five years. The report mentioned, “From April of 2017, forty special feeding dispensers will be installed in the different districts of Barcelona, each containing contraceptive food. The first results will be analyzed at the end of that year.” Feeding dispensers will be installed after conducting the census of the birds in December and January. This will help in the culling process and also prevent various diseases that most of us are not aware of. The fecal matter of the pigeons can destroy buildings and monuments because it is highly acidic in nature.
Moreover, a well-fed pigeon creates more than 10 kg of fecal waste every year. But apart from destroying properties, these pigeons have a severe effect on the health of people whose daily exposure leads to symptoms like irreversible lung fibrosis and even death. The initiative taken by Barcelona is truly commendable and let us hope that the same measures would soon be implemented in other parts of the world.