“History is the unrolled scroll of prophecy.”     – James A. Garfield

People are either interested in them or irked by them or ignore them. Predictions are one of those imprecise branches which we can atmost decipher but not evaluate. Nevertheless, they wonder us and create the unsurprising controversies. The one at the top of such speculations, atleast in the recent times, is Baba Vanga – a blind Bulgaria clairvoyant who is supposed to have predicted that Barack Obama would be the last U.S. President along with many other disconcerting predictions.

Baba Vanga, born as Vangeliya Pandeva Dimitrova, was supposed to be a mystic who could look into the future and also have a power to heal people. Her birthplace was Strumica in the day Republic of Macedonia. Suffering from serious health conditions since her birth, the apex in her life came when she was at the age of 12, supposedly lifted up by a tornado and thrown into a nearby field that impaired her eyes. Although no such meteorological records were found of the storm, she fast became famous through her gift of soothsaying. During World War II, particularly, Vanga attracted a lot of believers and in fact on 8 April 1942 the Bulgarian Tsar Boris III himself visited her.

baba vanga young

So what makes Vanga so much in vogue in recent times? Well, apparently, Baba Vanga made over 100 predictions in her life out of which 85% turned out to be true. Predictions like what? you may ask. And here is the creepy bit. Baba Vanga foretold that the twin towers would fall. “Horror, horror! The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush and innocent blood will gush” said she seeing the ghastly event that is etched into people’s memories as 9/11. Another one was of the Tsunami waves that crashed in 2004 and created a widespread fear. She predicted that “huge waves would descend on a big coast, covering people and towns and [causing] everything to disappear under the water”. Scared yet? These are just a couple of the many many scandalous predictions made by the mystic before she died of breast cancer in 1996.

But the clincher, the zenith of her predictions are mostly revolving around the 21st century when the great Seer prophesied that Barack Obama would be the first African American and that he would also be the last U.S. President! Got Shivers? There are more chillers to come. ISIS. Vanga also foretold that a group of ‘Muslim extremists’ would invade Europe around Arab spring of 2010 and in that happenstance, the continent would ‘cease to exist’ by the end of next year, leaving it ‘almost empty’ and a ‘wasteland almost entirely devoid of any form of life’. But it doesn’t stop there, Baba Vanga also said that we may see the establishment of a caliphate by 2043 with Rome at its centre, which could very well be an indication at ISIS.

wtc baba vanga  barack baba vangaisis baba vanga

The blind Bulgarian certainly seems to have hit the right spot. With the predictions about Tsunami, Obama, Twin Towers and such happenings becoming true, you cannot help but wonder if the other prophecies will be fulfilled too. This is perhaps a bitter-sweet thought because although with Trump being declared as the President-elect, you really don’t want an uncontainable radical group in Europe!

Vanga foretold many other mystical, magical and wondrous prophecies like aliens helping civilization live underwater by 2130, the war on Mars in 3005 and the final journey of humankind to other star systems in 3797 to by when Earth will see an apocalypse. Such words do have a deep impact on us, whether true or not. And whether Baba Vanga will be just another whimsy old lady or one of the great prophets of our times, well we will just leave that your imagination and our future, shall we?


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