Chauvinism is an issue that is particularly a problem in the tech industry. With women being shunned and smirked upon when it comes to coding, they find it really hard to find their footing in this brutal virtual world.

But in recent times we have seen great women leaders like Sheryl Sandberg, rise to the top and take what is rightfully theirs. Especially, since work places in the United States are making great strides to bridge this inequality gap. So it definitely comes as a great shock when you find that the problem is right there at home. Case in point being the complaints that have been registered by the female employees at Apple. Yes you read it right, Apple – the place of innovation and growth. Seems ironic then that such backward behaviour is to be seen in its own office.

Apple Campus

Mic, a media and news company, recently obtained over 50 pages of emails from current and former staff members about their experience with Apple’s supposedly chauvinist workplace environment.

Sexism in Apple

In the report, one woman recounts being the only woman in a meeting with over a dozen male colleagues. “The conversation turned to all of the men being dismissive about their wives and their significant others,” she wrote. “I felt very uncomfortable of the reality that I was the only woman in the room as all of my male coworkers stereotyped women as nags and this was not countered by my manager as being inappropriate.

Other accounts talk about how women who tried to climb the ladder of success were pushed down with much condescension. They were constantly put down and assumed to not have any technical skills. And in those rare occasions where the female counterparts did try to stand up for themselves, they were discreetly told to pipe down.

Apple, in its defense, put out a statement that they in no means support chauvinism amongst their co-workers. Their public spokesperson said “Apple is committed to treating everyone with dignity and respect. When we receive complaints or hear that employees are concerned about their work environment, we take it very seriously and we investigate claims thoroughly — as we have each of the matters you describe. If we find behaviour to be at odds with our values, we take action. Out of respect for the privacy of our employees, we do not discuss specific matters or their resolution.

With Apple being one of the most looked up to places to work at, this does come as an unpleasant surprise. And whether or not the reports are to be believed, it does look like scrutiny is called for. After all one bad ‘Apple’ can spoil the bunch!

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