H.D. Kumaraswamy, the Chief Minister of Karnataka, on the 8th of February, presented Karnataka’s Budget for the fiscal year 2019.

The State allocated approximately Rs. 1,000 crores to construct the Elevated Corridor in Bengaluru. The Government of Karnataka, in 2006, proposed the Elevated Corridor Project, with an aim to reduce the traffic congestion in Bengaluru by constructing an elevated roadway and ensuring all the ends of the City are connected with one another.

During the announcement of Karnataka Budget, 2019, the Government of Karnataka assigned Rs. 5 lakhs for the installation of LED lights in place of the existing streetlights in Bengaluru (Rs. 5 lakhs,) Rs. 32 crores for the operationalisation of the Bidar Airport and the construction of a new terminal. Apart from this, Rs. 100 crores were allocated for the construction of security barriers around tanks, canals and other water bodies in the State to prevent accidents.

Speaking about the welfare schemes, the State reserved Rs. 50 crores for the Comprehensive Mobility Scheme, Rs. 12,650 crores for the Crop Loan Waiver Scheme, Rs.8,015 crores for the Nava Bengaluru Kriya Yojana and Rs. 1 crore for special programmes to promote feature films in Tulu, Kodava and Konkani.

The State assigned a budget of Rs. 50 crores to upgrade the Chikkamagaluru District Hospital to a super speciality hospital. For the establishment of well equipped language training centres in Chitradurga, Mysuru, Belagavi and Kalaburagi, an amount of Rs. 2 crores was allocated.

The State granted a total of Rs. 2,34,153 crores for the development of the different departments and fields of the State.

Stay tuned for further updates.