The administration of Osmania University took a major step and decided to ban all public and political meetings. On Wednesday evening, the administration issued a notice saying public or political meetings on the campus are not allowed.

The students, teachers, non teaching staff and researchers were informed in a press statement that activities not related to academics will not be tolerated on the University campus.

The OU press release read, “The University has been established for the purpose of imparting higher education and conducting research in various disciplines. The primary objective of the University is purely academic and research oriented. It is, therefore, informed to all the concerned including the teachers, students and staff that activities which are unrelated to academics will not be permitted on the campus.”

The statement by the OU administration caused a backlash on social media. Many pointed out the fact that the campus and the students of OU led the Telangana movement and brought KCR to power as Chief Minister of Telangana.

Manavatha Rai, OU student leader said, “There were no such restrictions during Telangana Movement. Then what is the need to bring new rules now? We will go to Court and try to make out voice heard in the campus on student and employee related issues even in the future.”

Battu Satyanarayana, OU Teachers Association President argued that the students would be allowed to conduct meetings inside halls and auditoriums just not in public places on the campus.

The official spokesperson for the OU Joint Action Committee posted on Facebook, “Students movement is the backbone of Telangana State being a reality. We will continue to do student politics as well as academics. We don’t see this as an administrative decision but a decision arising out of the Chief Minister’s fear.”