On Wednesday, the United Nations denied the claims of Pakistan Army that said the Indian Army fired at the UN Vehicle at the Line of Control (LoC.)

On Wednesday night, Pakistan media reported their Army’s statement India targeted and attacked a vehicle of the UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP.) This incident happened in the Khanjar Region and was termed as a ceasefire violation of India by the Pakistan Army. They also said they have “effectively responded to silence Indian firing.” The UN general secretary in a press briefing said that this is ‘Not True.’

Stephane Dujarric, the spokesperson said that “I can say to you that this afternoon in Bhimber District … UNMOGIP military observers accompanied by Pakistani Army escorts heard gunshots in their vicinity. There is no evidence that the UNMOGIP military observers were targeted by the gunfire. No UN military observer was injured.”

On Tuesday, India destroyed Pakistani posts near the LoC in response to a infiltration attempt near the border. Pakistan called this ‘punitive strike’ and has been waiting to blame India at the slightest chance. Pakistan, however, denied the attacks and said that the video was of Pakistan Army attacking Indian posts at Nowshera. India called this video fake and denied Pakistani claims. The Army said, “Video from Pakistan claiming to destroy Indian post is fake as Indian posts have walls thick enough to withhold fire of the recoilless gun.”

The army also added, “The blast is from below the structure which usually happens in the case of IED blasts and not an explosion from artillery fire.” The Indian army pointed out ‘editing marks’ in the Pakistan’s video and said that these are false claims by the Pakistan Army.