After 18 long years, India and Pakistan will come face to face at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, Netherlands. The two countries will be facing off regarding the Indian national Kulbhushan Jadhav, who has been pronounced with a death sentence by the Pakistan military court.

This move by Pakistan has worsened the state of affairs between the two countries, which were already in a pathetic state. The hearing will be held at the Great Hall of justice in the Peace Palace at The Hague. The last time the two countries were at the ICJ, was when Islamabad asked the  ICJ to intervene in the shooting down of a naval aircraft.

Last week, India appealed to the ICJ and challenged Pakistan’s decision to hang Kulbhushan Jadhav who is a former navy officer. After the appeal, ICJ asked Pakistan to hold off on the death sentence. According to a statement by the Indian government, India has asked the Pakistani court to suspend the death sentence immediately. It also appealed to the ICJ that if violated it should be considered against the international law.

India is being represented by Harish Salve, who will also present the case of Pakistan denying consular access to Jadhav 16 times. This is an act of violation to the Vienna Convention. Since 1971, India has not approached ICJ for any case related to Pakistan. This step was taken as the life of an Indian citizen was in danger.

The hearing will be held for a day and will have two sessions, each of hour and a half. The first session will be India’s hearing, the second or afternoon session will be Pakistan’s. It is expected that Pakistan will argue the International Court of Justice cannot interfere in the case as it is an issue of national security.