The Blue Whale Game has surfaced again and this time in India. The Blue Whale Suicide Game started in Russia by Philipp Budeikin before getting arrested, caused 16 teenage girls to commit suicide.

The game is now being controlled by unknown individuals causing ruckus. It is a 50 task game in which a handler gives the one competing tasks to complete. The final task is always suicide.

Philipp used suicide groups on to find his targets. The game continues to do this, they collect the information of the person and pressure them into completing the tasks once joining the game.

In just the last 24 hours, two schoolboys were rescued in the nick of time. One boy attempted to jump off his school building but his friends pulled him up before he could.

Another 14 year old boy was obsessed with Blue Whale and was on a bus to Pune to complete his last challenge. His parents filed a missing report and the boy was found on the bus before he could attempt suicide.

The game even demands the participants to take videos and pictures of the completed task as proof to show their respective handlers.

India saw its first fatality due to Blue Whale when a school boy from Mumbai posted his last picture on Instagram before jumping off a building in Andheri.

In Kerela alone, there have been reports that nearly 2,000 people had downloaded the game.

This game is no joking matter, the people behind this are just trying to play god. These handlers ask these youngsters to do things like cutting their wrists or carving a whale on their arms.

Blue Whale is risky and the people behind it are smart and only target vulnerable youngsters who are already suffering with depression and on the verge of suicide. The game pushing them to do things they would not have done otherwise.

When Philipp Budeikin was arrested and questioned, his response was absolutely chilling, “There are people and there is biological waste. Those who do not represent any value for society. Who cause or will cause only harm to society. I was cleaning our society of such people.”