The Central Government, on the 17th of April, asked Google and Apple to take down Tik Tok, the extremely popular Chinese music based app from their app stores. The order on the ban came hours after the Madras High Court refused a request by Bytedance Technology to suspend a request on the ban.

India is not the only country which banned the China produced music app. Previously, Bangladesh restricted members from using the app, stating the presence of pornographic content. On the 15th of April, the Supreme Court (SC) refused to stay the ban on the app TikTok. Following this, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeiTY) asked Google and Apple to remove the app.

Due to the quality and addictive nature of the content displayed on the app, TikTok has been under the gun for quite a while now. The Government issued an order to both Apple and Google, asking them to stop allowing people to download the app on smartphones.

Despite saying this judgement is disproportionate, discriminatory and arbitrary, TikTok says it has faith in the Indian Government and that a fair decision will be made regarding the future of the app in the Country.

While the Government issued a ban on the future downloads of the app, people who already installed the app can still use it.

A large segment of the users of TikTok belong to the non metro cities of India and reporting content which is not user friendly lies purely in the hands of the person using the app.

As a result of this ban, the app’s user base is going to fall drastically. With the final hearing being deferred to the 22nd of April by the SC, the app feels confident about its newly appointed independent counsel, Arvind Datar.

Stay tuned to Mango News for more updates.

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