On Friday, the Supreme Court dismissed the plea from the Congress Party. The Congress Party’s plea asked the Election Commission to count and verify 25% of Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) with votes cast on an Electronic Voting Machine (EVM.)

The Apex Court denied the plea on the grounds it found no merit in the Congress’ request. The SC further stated the Gujarat Congress could approach the court with a writ petition for electoral reforms.

The Supreme Court also said the electoral process in a democracy was important and it could not interfere just to allay a party’s apprehension.

Earlier in the day, the Congress moved the top court with lawyers Abhishek Manu Singhvi and Kapil Sibal. On Thursday, the second phase of the Gujarat Assembly Elections ended. There is a conspiracy theory that BJP has managed to hack the EVMs. The rumor states the BJP Party wins elections only in places with EVMs. This rumor has led the Congress Party to protest against the Election Commission.