Terrorists attacked the Amarnath Yatra and killed seven pilgrims and injured 14 people. The terrorists attacked a bus full of pilgrims traveling in Jammu and Kashmir’s Anantang district.

CRPF reported that the bus was attacked at 8:20 P.M. in Batengoo. The bus was returning from Baltal to Mir Bazar after darshan.

Policemen were among the injured when the militants carried out two more attacks against security forces in the area.

Police officials said that the bus was not officially registered with the Amarnath Shrine Board and had no police escort. The militants attacked the minibus with pilgrims from Gujarat.

Munir Khan, Inspector General of Police reported that were seven casualties and 14 people injured. The injured were rushed to the Army Base Hospital in Srinagar. Mr. Khan also specified that the militants were aiming at the security forces and not at the worshippers.

Prime Minister Modi took to Twitter and said, “Pained beyond words on the dastardly attack on peaceful Amarnath Yatris in J&K. The attack deserves the strongest condemnation from everyone.”

Union Minister of State in the PMO, Jitendra Singh said, “It is not just an attack on the pilgrims, but an attack on the composite culture of the nation. As far as the Government of India is concerned, we have a policy of zero tolerance against terror, whether it is local or from across the border.”

Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti was quoted saying, “It is an attack on our roots. We will not leave any stone unturned in bringing the perpetrators of this attack to justice.”