M. Prashanthi, the District Collector of Nirmal, Telangana, conducted a meeting and directed the Election Commission (EC) of Telangana to conduct elections in the Zilla Parishad Territory Constituency (ZPTC) and Mandal Parishad Territory Constituency (MPTC) with a strict eye.

On the 29th of April, Ms. Prashanthi addressed election officers, nodal officers, zonal officers and flying Squad teams by saying, “Conduct Zilla Parishad and Mandal Parishad Territory Constituency elections strictly.”

M. Prashanthi further asked the officials to make arrangements for drinking water, tents and ORS packets because of the scorching summer heat. Furthermore, M. Prashanthi also asked for tricycles to be provided for the physically challenged.

The meeting was held at the Collector’s conference hall, where she directed the officers to work with coordination. Bhaskar Rao, The Joint Collector, Srinivas, the District Panchayat Officer (DPO,) Nagender Reddy, the Excise Officer (EO,)  Sharath Kumar, the District Horticulture Officer (DHO,)  Nadeem Khan, the District Manager (DM,) Kareem, the Defence Plant Representative Officer (DPRO) and  Tahsildars of the Mandal Parishad Development Officer (MPDOs) with the Federal Service Tribunal (FST) team were present at the meeting.

The ZPTC and the MPTC elections are divided into three phases scheduled, on the 6th, 10th and 14th of May 2019.

Telangana will contest a total of 197 ZPTC and 2,166 MPTC seats.

The results for the ZPTC and the MPTC elections will be announced on the 27th of May 2019.

Stay tuned for further updates.