The Telangana Government, on the 7th of May extended support to Odisha, which was hit by an intense cyclone Fani, on the 3rd of May.

Approximately 12 districts of Odisha were severely affected by Fani, which hit the State with an intense speed of 120 to 150 kilometres per hour (kmph.)

K. Chandrashekar Rao, the Chief Minister of Telangana directed S.K. Joshi, the Chief Secretary of Telangana and Devulapalli Prabhakar, the Chief Managing Director (CMD) of the Transmission Corporation of Telangana to look into the matter.

On the direction of KCR, Mr. Joshi and Mr. Prabhakar sent 1000 employees to various power utilities of Telangana to Odisha for the purpose of restoring the power supply.

Devastated with the damage by Fani, approximately 1.8 crore people are suffering from power issues after the electricity poles and transmission lines broke down.

According to sources, the Odisha Government asked the Telangana Government to help in the act of restoring power supplies in Odisha.

The employees left for Odisha, on the 7th of May to help the State from the disastrous effects of cyclone Fani.