A 50 year old man was beaten to death by villagers for allegedly attempted to rape a minor in Telangana’s Nizamabad District. The incident occured on Saturday evening reported the police.

The victim and accused Medarai Sayanna attempted to rape a 7 year old girl in Donkeshwar village. The girl who escaped narrated her ordeal to her mother who confronted the 50 year old man.   

The angry villagers then tied the man to a tree and beat him with sticks. About 15 to 20 villagers beat up the man while the remaining 400 villagers stood and watched. The police were informed later in the night and the injured man was taken to the hospital. However, he died in the hospital on Sunday morning, stated the police.

The police admitted the minor girl to check for any indications of sexual assault. The authorities are trying to get a video but none of the villagers have come forward.  

The accused was a three time divorcee who lived alone in the village. His third wife left him on grounds of harassment.