On Monday, Sushma Swaraj, Minister of External Affairs explained the Paris Climate Agreement was signed by India for a commitment and not for monetary gain or pressure from others.

Sushma Swaraj also dismissed President Trump’s claims about India making billions of dollars for keeping their commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement. She said, “What Trump said is not the reality. India has not signed PCA (Paris Climate Agreement) under duress or any other reason, but solely for the environment.”

Swaraj justified India’s reasons further and said, “This commitment is 5,000 years old. We worship rivers, trees, and mountains. This is India’s ethos, it is our cultural heritage. If someone says we signed the pact due to lure of money and pressure from someone, it is wrong. I reject both these allegations. Whether the US stays in the agreement or not, India will stay.”

The Minister of External Affairs was asked about the current relationship between the US and India to which Swaraj responded, “The relationship between India and US is progressing under Trump as it did during Obama’s presidency. Modi has spoken to Trump on three occasions. There has also been talks between both the country’s NSAs. I want to say that we are looking at it as relationship of mutual benefit.”

A press conference was addressed by Sushma Swaraj for the NDA government completing three years.

Swaraj also addressed the Kashmir issue as well and said, “Kashmir issue can never be taken to ICJ because both the countries are bound by the Shimla Agreement and Lahore Declaration to solve it bilaterally. We will solve our issues bilaterally.”

Ms. Swaraj also added, “Three things people should keep in mind when we talk of Pakistan. There are three pillars. We want to sort out all issues with Pakistan through talks bilaterally and not through mediation of any group, country or associations. Talks and terror cannot go together. No flip flop or one step forward two steps backward.”