Post the toppling of the ex leader of Sudan, Omar al Bashir, the military started arresting the former members of his government.

After the military coup which took place in Sudan on the 11th of April, the new regime promises to install a completely new party.

Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the newly placed leader, vowed to replace all the former leaders from the previous government and said, Sudan will now have a ruler who supports human rights.

During the previously announced curfew (also called transition period) the new Sudanese rule  was focusing on maintaining peace and stability in the war torn country.

Addressing the press, spokesperson Major General Shams Ad-din Shanto said, on the 14th of April, the military wasn’t going to just appoint a new leader, but elect a Prime Minister (PM) after taking everyone’s choice into consideration.

Major General Shanto also said, the Army isn’t going to forcefully remove the protestors. Urging the protestors to help return to a normal life, Shanto asked the protestors not to cause unnecessary roadblocks and hinder the recovery process.

Apart from making this announcement, the military also announced a slew of rules which include the following:

  • Police and Army leaders
  • A new head for the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS)
  • A lifting of all restrictions and censorship on the media
  • Releasing of the police officers and civilians arrested for protesting
  • Dismissal of Sudanese ambassadors to the United States and the United Nations in Geneva

The new regime came after former President al Bashir was indicted on multiple accounts of war crimes and crimes in Darfur, making him one of the most wanted men by the International Criminal Court.

The new military regime is currently working on reinstating its leaders and announcing a better governing structure.

Stay tuned for more updates.