On the 23rd of April, the Islamic State of Iraq and  the Levant (ISIS,) claimed responsibility for the bomb blasts which took place in Sri Lanka on the 21st of April.

These attacks suggest, despite the multiple defeats of this group in the Middle East,  ISIS still has the power to launch such devastating attacks.

Using the Amaq News Agency, a  propaganda arm, run by the ISIS, the terrorist group published a statement, saying its fighters were responsible for the attacks. Furthermore, the  terrorists also published the names of the suicide bombers who were responsible for the attacks.

According to reports from experts, while  ISIS made false claims regarding previous attacks, six out of the eight attacks in Sri Lanka have the ISIS trademarks. Experts say, three bombings at churches and three  at luxury hotels are very similar to the attacks for which ISIS is infamous.

Along with the photos, the Amaq News Agency also released a video showing the suicide bombers pledging their allegiance to the leader of the ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The news agency also released a report, on the 23rd of April, in Arabic, saying the attacks were “martyrdom seeking attacks” and primarily  sought Christians and tourists staying in Sri Lanka.

With ISIS claiming responsibility for the attacks, in Sri Lanka, pressure increased on the senior officials of the Country. In fact, in the weeks leading up to the attacks, Indian intelligence agiencies sent out warnings at least three times to Sri Lanka, saying there was a strong chance of suicide bombings  going to take place at churches.

More than 40 people were arrested in relation to the attacks and the military was given special emergency powers. The powers gave the Sri Lankan Military full rights to search houses without warrants and to conduct ad hoc searches wherever they think necessary.

The military is also tasked with the job of detaining suspects for up to two weeks without a hearing in the court. Such strict rules have not been enforced in Sri Lanka since the devastating Civil War in Sri Lanka.

Among the people arrested is the driver of a van, which was allegedly used during the suicide bombings. While most of the people arrested were locals, the police are also looking into whether foriegn forces were involved in carrying out the attacks.

Stay tuned for more updates.

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