On the 22nd of May, Sri Lanka President Maithripala Srisena extended the state of emergency in the Country by another month. Imposed after the Easter Sunday bombings which took the lives of close to 260 people, Sri Lanka has been in a state of recovery.

Srisena extended the emergency for a month because of security reasons. During this period, the police and military in the area are given complete powers to detain, interrogate and arrest suspects without orders from the court.

The state of emergency was first issued on the 23rd of April this year in an attempt to arrest the nine suicide bombers. The identified bombers were responsible for the attacks on three churches and three five star hotels across the island Country on the 21st of April this year.

Security was tightened in the Country three weeks after the bombings, when anti Muslim riots broke out in the Northern province of Sri Lanka. So far, the Sri Lankan police have arrested more than 80 people in connection to both the bombings and the attacks which followed after.

During the state of emergency, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremsinghe said, the Government is going to establish a new public education system in the next two years which is not based on language or religion. After the attacks, the Government  increased its control on Madrasas and is working to ensure control over all religious preachings in the Country.

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremsinghe further said the education ministry is going to regulate all educational institutions. The new reform is going to be put into place within the next two years.

Stay tuned for more updates.

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