Today, the second phase of the Budget Session will resume in the Parliament. The opposition parties are expected to attack Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the recent bank scams.

The two Houses of Parliament will reconvene after a month long break. PM Modi has been silent about the fraud by diamond businessman Nirav Modi and his uncle Mehul Choksi. The two are accused of not repaying loans to the sum of Rs. 22,000 crores.   

The Fugitive Economic Offenders Bill and the Triple Talaq Bill will be the Government’s main agenda. The Fugitive Economic Offenders Bill was approved by the Union Cabinet on the 1st of this month. The Bill is to allow the Government to confiscate assets of a fugitive involved in a high priority economic scam.

The Parliament will also discuss the Union Budget that was tabled during the first phase of the session. In the Lok Sabha, the Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill 2017 and the Specific Relief (Amendment) Bill 2017 will be discussed today. On the 6th of March, the Lok Sabha will table the Dentists (Amendment) Bill 2017.

The Government announced the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill 2017 and the State Banks (Repeal and Amendment) Bill 2017 will be tabled on the first day of the Budget Session.