In a major jail security breach in Rajasthan, a man convicted of a horrific hate crime managed to release a video from behind bars. Shambhulal Regar is jailed at the Jodhpur Central Jail in Rajasthan.  

Regar took a video of himself hacking a Muslim laborer and then burning his body alive. In the extremely disturbing video circulated last year Regar talks about how no jihadist would be spared.   

In the recent video Regar gives yet another hate speech against jihad. He says, “I couldn’t bear threats to Hindu women. I have ruined my life and I don’t regret it. But I am sad about the fact that the law and the media showed illicit relationship with her and me.” Many media channels revealed Regar committed the crime after a failed relationship with a minor.

The fact Regar had access to a cellphone in prison raises a lot of questions regarding the security inside jails. State Home Minister Gulab Chand Kataria immediately ordered an investigation into how Regar managed to get a phone inside the high security jail cell.   

The police have filed an FIR and the jail officials are looking for the mobile phone. So far the police have not found any device at the prison. Regar was questioned and he said the phone did not belong to him.